Episode 312: ZKP2P with Brian & Richard

Release Date:

In this week’s episode, Anna (https://twitter.com/annarrose) and Tarun (https://twitter.com/tarunchitra) interview Brian Weickmann (https://twitter.com/Bmwball56) & Richard Liang (https://twitter.com/richardzliang) from the ZKP2P (https://zkp2p.xyz/) project. They cover the opportunities and challenges of building ZK applications with the current tools available, as well as revisit the topic of ZK Email and explore how this lies at the heart of the current version of ZKP2P. They also discuss the goals of ZKP2P, what’s happening under the hood, the types of experiments and initiatives the project is running, how a user can already use the existing product and the opportunities systems like ZKP2P open up.
Here’s some additional links for this episode:
ZKP2P (https://zkp2p.xyz/)
zkSummit11 (https://www.zksummit.com/)
Axiom’s Halo2 library (https://github.com/axiom-crypto/halo2-lib)
Episode 302: ZK for web2 interop with zkLogin & ZK Email (https://zeroknowledge.fm/302-2/)
ZK Email (https://prove.email/)
0xPARC (https://0xparc.org/)
0xPARC Videos - Introduction to Circom (https://learn.0xparc.org/materials/circom/learning-group-1/circom-1/)
ZKP2P - FAQ on UPI (https://docs.zkp2p.xyz/zkp2p/user-guides/faq/faq-upi)
India: the frontier of payments innovation (https://www.citigroup.com/global/insights/treasury-and-trade-solutions/citi-guide-to-the-future-india-)
ZK Hack Whiteboard Sessions (https://zkhack.dev/whiteboard/)
Fibonacci Sequence (https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/Fibonacci-sequence)
ZK Regex Website (https://zkregex.com/)
Gnosis Pay (https://gnosispay.com/)
TLSNotary (https://tlsnotary.org/)
Plaid (https://plaid.com/en-gb/cryptocurrency-solutions/)
Applications to attend zkSummit11 are now open, head over to the zkSummit website (https://www.zksummit.com/) to apply now. The event will be held on 10 April in Athens, Greece.
Launching soon, Namada (https://namada.net/) is a proof-of-stake L1 blockchain focused on multichain, asset-agnostic privacy, via a unified shielded set. Namada is natively interoperable with fast-finality chains via IBC, and with Ethereum using a trust-minimised bridge.
Follow Namada on Twitter @namada (https://twitter.com/namada) for more information and join the community on Discord discord.gg/namada (http://discord.gg/namada).
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Episode 312: ZKP2P with Brian & Richard

Episode 312: ZKP2P with Brian & Richard
Release Date
