89 - Christmas Knitting Done

Release Date:

Knitting and Running in 30 min or less.  Shownotes can be found at windsweptknits.com.  You can find me on IG and Ravelry as WindsweptMonique and on Facebook and Twitter as WindsweptKnits.
Ep 89 recorded 12/3/20
Segments this week include: FOs, Wips, Out and About Virtually, On the Run
Note on Ravelry – all links to Ravelry are clearly labelled as such – if a link does not say Ravelry, it does not go to Ravelry.  Links to yarn are directly to manufacturer’s pages and should be safe for those still having rav accessibility issues. 
I ended up with lots of FOs this week because I finished my Christmas gift knitting!  
The Acadian Shawl (Ravelry), a Christmas gift for my mom in the approximate colors of the Acadian Flag (nous sommes fiere d’etre Acadienne!)  I’m using the Goldberry crochet pattern and working it in blue, white and red with accents of yellow.  I’ve put a photo of the Acadian flag in the shownotes so you can see it.
Star Wars scarf (Ravelry) for Thing 1 – One section left, plan to finish later today.  Still loving the new hexagonal needles from Indian Lake Artisans.  I’m using Truboo by Lion Brand, a 100% bamboo yarn in white and dark gray.  Pattern is a series of free charts by Jessica Goddard.
Thing 1 Dragon Blanket (Ravelry) – all the pieces are finished, I just need to assemble it.
Tan House Brook Shawl (Ravelry) – this is a pattern by Jennifer Lassonde of Down Cellar Studios in the Sekhment base, an alpaca/silk/linen yarn from A Hundred Ravens in the Nevertheless She Persisted colorway that I bought during the virtual Maryland Sheep and Wool.  I’m doing a few rows each week
Wenlock (Ravelery) from Tin Can Knits.  I used a bunch of scraps in pink, white and yellow for the star pattern at the top, now I’m on to the body and I’ve using a variegated yarn, Cayenne by Feza Yarns, in cool-toned peach-pink-green variegated colorway.
Started a new winter tunic for myself, Galliatt (Ravelry) by JimiKnits – pattern also available on LoveCrafts
Started a new hat as part of the Fasten Off YAL (more on that a little later), the hat is The Opposite of Strict (Ravelry) by That Metzbower Girl Designs and it’s a ponytail hat designed to use scraps.  I’m using up the leftovers from the two RBG Dissent Cowls I made earlier this fall.
Out and About Virtually
Lots of fiber events happening online this winter
The first-ever Fasten Off YAL is going on right now.  It’s an inclusive yarn-a-long for anyone to join.  It is NOT being run on Ravelry so it’s safe to join for those of you having issues with the new site.  There’s a website, a Facebook group, a Discord server to chat on and you can post on IG with the hashtag #fastenoffyal  More than 90 knit and crochet designers from around the globe are participating.  All the included designs are 25% off through 12/5 using code FO2020 and the crafalong portion runs through 12/31/20. 
Pigskin Party now through the Superbowl Ravelry Group  I’m sponsoring for the 3rd year and also participating.
Vogue Knitting Live Upcoming Vogue Knitting Live @ Home events will be Dec 10-13, and Jan 14-17.  I will be attending the January VKL
Stitches At Home December 5,6,12,13.
GGKCS podcast is running their annual winter craftaong starting now through the end of Feb 2021, more details on their Facebook page.
If you have any events you’d like me to share please email me windsweptmonique@gmail.com
On the Run
I was doing really well then I tweaked my knee again last Saturday.  Meh.  Lots of icing and ibuprofen and I’m staying off it as much as possible.  It’s starting to be less cranky.

89 - Christmas Knitting Done

89 - Christmas Knitting Done
Release Date
