78-Preparation Is For the Birds

Release Date:

Episode 78 – preparation is for the birds
recorded Wednesday 4/29/20
Ear savers/mask buddies – I've crocheted several more.  A big, huge thanks to Lisa from Fibernymph Dyeworks for mailing me some buttons so I can finish even more! 
South Woods – I’ve finished the back!
Sassy Wrapitude – Part of the Wrapitude collection by Megan Williams, got the pattern free from attending Into the Wool.  Cast on with yellow CoBaSi by Hikoo and bamboo/cotton blend from Great Adirondack Yarn that I bought at Rhinebeck.  I’m on the 7th section, which is garter ridges.  Just finished interesting slipped stitch section
Ozone Sweater – I finally started the actual sweater!
Earth Rise – new design I’m working on, inspired by the famous photo the Apollo astronauts took the first time they came around the dark side of the room and saw the Earth rising up above the moon’s surface.  Not working on it as much - my brain doesn't want to do math
Laceweight Boxy – How long do you make your Boxy sweaters?  I’m about 12” and trying to decide how long I want it to be.
Knitting Fail
You may have noticed there’s no Star Wars scarf listed here – that’s because I broke the needle.  I didn’t see the green needle on the blue chair in the dark, and when I knelt on the chair to turn on the light on the wall behind, I snapped the needle right at the connector.
Out and About
Maryland Sheep and Wool - virtual May 2 & 3
Vogue Knitting Live - virtual May 11- 18

78-Preparation Is For the Birds

78-Preparation Is For the Birds
Release Date
