77- Total Lack of Focus

Release Date:

Episode 77
Segments include WIPs, spinning, Learn Something New, On The Run
Hi everyone, how are you surviving?  It’s starting to feel a bit like Groundhog Day (the movie) at our house.  
South Woods – I’m continuing to work on the body in stockinette.  This has been my go-to knitting while the boys are home schooling.  I’m about to 14 inches from the bottom of the folded hem.  I need at least one more inch, maybe two.
Sassy Wrapitude – Part of the Wrapitude collection by Megan Williams, got the pattern free from attending Into the Wool.  Cast on with yellow CoBaSi by Hikoo and bamboo/cotton blend from Great Adirondack Yarn that I bought at Rhinebeck.  I’m on the 3rd section, which is garter ridges.
Ozone Sweater – still swatching for the Colorful Sweater Ozone by Concept Creative – more on this later.
Star Wars Scarf – doubleknit scarf that will be a Christmas gift for Thing 1, who will be 9 by that point.  He’s going to love it!  So far I’ve knit the rebel icon, a lightsaber, tauntauns, a large X-ray and just started to knit blasters.
Earth Rise – new design I’m working on, inspired by the famous photo the Apollo astronauts took the first time they came around the dark side of the room and saw the Earth rising up above the moon’s surface.  For some reason, this one is bringing me a lot of peace right now.
Ear savers/mask buddies – I crocheted a few dozen ear savers for my friends who are doctors/nurses/essential personnel who now have to wear masks all day and the elastics are hurting their ears.  You wear it on the back of your head and hook the mask elastic on the buttons instead of your ears.  I’ve got about 10 left to sew buttons on.
Ankle Socks – socks I started in FL and worked on cruise.  Working now in you hear needles
Laceweight Boxy – worked 3 rows this morning 
I did get a little spinning time in this last week.  I’m probably 1/3 of the way through the 2nd malachite green portion. 
Learn Something New
I am continuing to get better at crochet.  I’ve been practicing the circles for the Ozone pattern. 
On the Run
No running, knee isn’t that good yet, but I took a ballet class online earlier this week.  And tweaked my back. Doh!

77- Total Lack of Focus

77- Total Lack of Focus
Release Date
