74- Star Wars Costume Complete

Release Date:

Episode 74 – 3/4/2020
Segments this week include tech talk, Be A Helper Craftalong, FOs, Wips, Out and About.
New temporary mic.  Pardon the head cold.  Yes I’m sick again.
Be a Helper Craftalong
4th Be A Helper Craft-a-long is ongoing! We keep the rules simple.
Anything you make for any charity counts, doesn’t have to be knit/crochet/woven or spun. ANYthing you make for ANY charity.
One FO per photo in the FO thread
Donating blood counts too - post a photo of your bandaid or of you drinking OJ afterwards, something like that.
FO Thread closes when I wake up April 1st.
Wips are welcome

1 skein of Sock Yarn from A Great Yarn in Chatham, MA dyed exclusively for them by Hauteknits in the Finest Hours colorway, 75% merino, 25% nylon
• 1 25g skein of Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock plus a mini skein of handspun
• Spun to order handspun, by me. I have 2 or 3 colorways that I’ll let the winner choose for me to spin up.
• One pattern of your choice from the Down Cellar Studio Ravelry store, courtesy of Jennifer Lassonde

Matchy Socks – At the cuff of first sock
New pattern for a magazine coming out this summer – check out social media this week if you’re interested in test knitting a tank top.
Rey costume – working on my Rey costume for an upcoming Star Wars Day.  I’ve knit roughly 19 feet out of 10, then it’ll be time for armbands.
South Woods – On second repeat of Chart 2 lace for the back. 
Ankle socks – started my first ever ankle socks.  
Out and About
Stitches United - March 26-29, 2020
Got back from 12 days away – 4 days in FL at my in-laws, a week on a cruise.  For the next week you’ll see images from our trip on social media, including my Rey costume on our Star Wars Day at Sea on the cruise.

74- Star Wars Costume Complete

74- Star Wars Costume Complete
Release Date
