41: July Crept Up On Me

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Segments this week include: FOs, Wips, Spinning
Well, it’s nice to be back finally! How is it July?!?
Not a lot of knitting the last few weeks.  I’ve been re-staining the deck and my finger has been hurting again so I haven’t gotten nearly as far in my Wips as I’d hoped.
I finished my 52-st sock!  They’re not finished-finished, I still need to weave in ends, but the knitting is done.   Haven’t tried them on yet as it’s been HOT up in Boston recently, but they look good.
I’ve put a lots more rows onto my Changing Staircases shawl by Jenga Knits.  This is a shawl inspired by the Harry Potter books, the way the staircases are constantly changing and I’m working on it in Mousou a 100% bamboo yarn from The FiberLady.  I said last time that I was about 75% but I totally misjudged – I was about 66% complete and I’m on the last section, so probably 95% complete.
Blue Dahlia pattern by Brenda York for Berroco Yarns.  Finished garter stitch and am about 1/3 way through the stockinette colorwork section.  Blue body is Juniper Moon Farms Neve in Lagoon colorway from my LYS that closed.  Red is Cascade Ultra Pima Fine in the Cranberry colorway held double, yellow is Berroco Modern Cotton in the Del colorway.  Green is also Modern Cotton in the Breakers colorway
New 52-st sock in Plymouth yarns Diversity in the Fruity colorway, which is white with stripes of green, yellow, orange, pink and purple.
Also been doing some design work again for the first time in ages and it feels so good to be creating again.  Can’t talk about the designs yet but hopefully I will be able to soon!
Lots of spinning thanks to my sore finger
Finished multiple braids of cotton from Hipstrings Cotton Club.  
Johnny Jump Up – 2 ply sport weight – white, navy, dark purple and drops of yellow-green
Break Of Day – 3 ply on the border between fingering and sport, blue with the golds and pale oranges of sunrise
A Different Time – my first true 3-ply fingering weight yarn.  White, Navy and dark purple
On my first Tour de Fleece.  Goal is to finish spinning 16oz of sustainable cotton I bought from the Woolery so I can get reliable enough to justify buying a sweater lot of fiber from Hipstrings.  So far ‘ve only spun 2 days (womp womp) but I have made a dent in the first 8-oz braid.
I have not run at all since my last recording, so I’m back to the drawing board in terms of fitness.  That brings my half marathon training to a screeching halt.  But it turns out I may have some upcoming projects that I need to be more all-around fit for so I’m going to focus on 5ks for running and also getting back in the pool more and on the rowing machine at our local YMCA.
Running Talk
Why is cross training so important?  Aside from overuse injuries, it turns out that cross training also affects your DNA in a positive way – but only in the body parts you’re actually using.  This Study from 2014 talks about epigenetics, which just means how what we do to & with our bodies affects our genes.

41: July Crept Up On Me

41: July Crept Up On Me
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