Personal Brands Debate: Should You Create for You or Your Audience?

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In this episode of Nicky and Moose, they discuss the pros & cons of creating for yourself versus creating for others. 

What You Will Learn

Do you create for your audience or for yourself?

How to be prepared for the unexpected. 

How four hour workdays can be productive. 

Notion Calendar 
Notion has a new calendar feature that makes accomplishing your todo list more effectively. Condense your work to provide clarity for your mind & workspace. Learn more at

Creator Of The Week

Allison Holker Boss is keeping Twitch’s legacy alive by expressing herself through forms of art. She positively expresses herself by dancing through the grieving process. 

Creating For Yourself Or Audiences?
“Create what you want and the audience will come.” Consumers love authenticity. They can often tell when an individual is authentic or not. Stay true to your uniqueness. 

Are you attached to other peoples opinion when creating? Trying to please everyone can become overwhelming in the planning process. The people who love your content regardless of what post should serve as inspiration to create freely. 

Don’t blend the story you tell with how others story tell. Doing so losses originality.

“Being lazy in creativity will water down your originality.” Spend time intentionally planning out your content. Organization and clarity is key for consistency & growth. 

P.L.A.Y Strategy 

Platform - Which platform are you using?

Leverage - What information are you sharing with the world?

Audience - Who’s your target market?

You - Are you creating content for you? Are you being authentic in creativity?

Question Of The Week

1) Are you in the business of content, or using content for your business?

Nicky And Moose Patreon is now live!! Head over to for all of the exclusive content to elevate your brand to the next level!

Listener Perks
1) Sponsored By Ecamm Live: An all-in-one live streaming & video production studio. With Ecamm Live, video creation is easy, professional, and fully customizable. If you can think it, you can create it in Ecamm Live. Try it for free
2) Deeper Than The Brand is a content creator community that prepares you for success in a building and sustaining a successful brand. Head over to to learn more and get started today!
3) Striving to be the best we can is an on going journey. Having the blueprint of ourselves makes that goal more sustainable. Head over to to learn your personality superpower and how to use it for successfully.

Personal Brands Debate: Should You Create for You or Your Audience?

Personal Brands Debate: Should You Create for You or Your Audience?
Release Date
