No Filter with Tig Notaro

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Hey, everybody! Count Vacula here, welcoming you to my newest No Filter!
This week, my guest is comedian, movie star, writer, podcaster, and cat-lover Tig Notaro! She’s best known for doing stand-up, which is a kind of comedy show where a person gets up on stage and tells stories about themselves and shares what they think about things. It’s kind of like making friends with a whole room full of people all at the same time!
Trying to get better at making friends is something that Tig and I have in common—and we also both like animals, and making things out of cardboard boxes! Tig told me some great stories, shared a tasty ‘Tater Time’ recipe with me, and taught me that even when people aren’t being kind to you, you can still be kind to them—and that’s one of the kindest things you can do!
I really enjoyed meeting Tig, and I hope you’ll enjoy meeting her too.
Before I go, I wanted to say that I’m really happy about all the letters and drawings from listeners that we’ve been getting lately—and if you have a question, idea, or drawing you’d like to share, just have your grown-up email it to me at!
Have a good week, everybody, and I’ll see you soon in The Imagine Neighborhood™!
Your friend,
Count Vacula

No Filter with Tig Notaro

No Filter with Tig Notaro
Release Date
