034: The Empathy Mashup: Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes

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Check out our guests’ full bios and episodes at:

EP017: Chris Long, Dean at Michigan State University
EP023: Greg Wukasch, External Affairs Manager, San Antonio Water System
EP013: Alan Heymann, President, Blue Drop
EP016: Mike McGill, President and Founder, WaterPIO

Top Takeaways:

Dean Chris Long speaks with us of the value of taking the time to invest in true engagement with your audience. Only then does education have the opportunity to be transformative.
Greg Wukasch, our mentor at the San Antonio Water System, recapped for us the Transformative Issues conference on Affordability hosted by AWWA and WEF and how the closing panel of both water professionals and non-water community advocates drove home how empathy means inviting everyone to the table that needs to be.
Alan Heymann shares a story that demonstrates how empathy begins within, internally, with your own employees. Brand buy-in begins with them.
Mike McGill, founder of WaterPIO reminds us that empathy requires putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, even—and maybe especially—your biggest opponents. We chat with Mike about both he and our experiences with Erin Brockovich and what it taught us about the power of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.

This episode is powered by Rogue Water, the public communication company founded by the H2duO, Stephanie Zavala and Arianne Shipley. Rogue Water is dedicated to revolutionizing the water industry—one person, one story, one experience at a time. We are award-winning communication professionals with a decade of experience working in water utilities moving the needle forward in communication, outreach, and education to build stronger relationships between the water sector and the public it serves. These relationships serve as the foundation needed to make the necessary changes that create a sustainable water future for all. Are you ready to go Rogue?

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034: The Empathy Mashup: Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes

034: The Empathy Mashup: Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes
Release Date
