Episode 161 - RBGs in Shadowlands with Bina and BobyDK

Release Date:

Technically PVP Show Notes

Episode 161 - RBGs in Shadowlands with Bina and BobyDK

7:42 - Need-Greed-Pass

12:58 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events

Dalaran Gaming hosts 5v5 1v1 duels. So teams of 5 that 1v1 duel (pokemon style). Keep an eye out - https://twitter.com/dalaran_rogueFlark’s Tournaments - expecting a tournament every 3 weeks or soBlizzard Official Events - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23764235/setting-our-sights-on-2022-for-the-15th-anniversary-of-wow-esports The Great Push Returns (10 Aug - 3 Sep) - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23815475/the-great-push-is-expanding-for-shadowlands-season-4 Variety Show (24 Aug) - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23813568/introducing-the-wow-variety-show -> Levelling, Footrace, and Scavenger Hunt

16:04 - Subject of Analysis

1:41:10 - WOW PVP NEWS

XPOff 39 2v2 Tournament - August 6 - Congrats to Adi and Kane for winning!Flark’s tournament happened on 8 Aug - Congrats to Curator, Irascible, and Larosfan for winning!Team Newtypes is a new org that hosted a $10k dueling tournament with Snutz, Xaryu and Pikaboo. Congrats to Nahj for winning! - https://twitter.com/teamnewtypes/status/1556664578909818881?s=20&t=qO-B1cHaSAjZSLVubEEWkw Classic Arena Clash happened 12 - 14 August. Congratulations to BWG China team for winning first place, and the 100,000 ¥ prize! - https://www.wowchina.com/zh-cn/news/18190040/%E7%87%83%E8%87%B3%E5%B7%85%E5%B3%B0%EF%BC%81%E7%87%83%E7%83%A7%E7%9A%84%E8%BF%9C%E5%BE%81%E7%AB%9E%E6%8A%80%E5%9C%BA%E4%B8%AD%E6%AC%A7%E9%82%80%E8%AF%B7%E8%B5%9B%E6%9C%AC%E5%91%A8%E4%BA%94%E6%89%93%E5%93%8D Some controversy - https://twitter.com/Minpojke_/status/1558781425498963969?s=20&t=0S4V08lWaNBuiqx7OUUohw Hotfixes - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23800887/hotfixes-august-12-20229.2.7 dropped today - AH updated, and added back to the mobile app!WOTLK BG experience and twinking - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/xp-gains-from-pvp-in-wrath-classic/1304907 Conquest cap removed! Spoils of War is back! - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/season-4-pvp-update-removing-the-conquest-cap-and-spoils-of-war/1304070 Ban wave went out for RMT and win trading. A number of Rank1 players got caught in this one. Lontar admits to RMT boosting - https://twitter.com/Lontar_wow/status/1558643469547102210?s=20&t=0S4V08lWaNBuiqx7OUUohw 

Finding Us

BobyDK - https://twitter.com/bobydk1


Bina - www.twitter.com/madhaiir


Podcast Cohosts

Technically - https://twitter.com/Technically_PvP 






Bigmoran - https://twitter.com/BigmoranIRL

TreesapJake - https://twitter.com/TreesapJake 


Skill-Capped Affiliate Link- https://www.skill-capped.com/wow/pricing/plans#technicallypvp

Episode 161 - RBGs in Shadowlands with Bina and BobyDK

Episode 161 - RBGs in Shadowlands with Bina and BobyDK
Release Date
