Special Double Episode: Understanding your particular variant and what to do about it (Hint: #iPSC)

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Read Paediatric Neurologist, Clinician-Scientist, Laureate Professor Ingrid Scheffer, AO’s piece in the Lancet Neurology: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422(22)00002-3/fulltext
Here is the quote Mike read: 
“It will not be feasible to design a gene therapy for each pathogenic variant of every genetic disease, so clever strategies, such as those mentioned earlier, will need to be developed to enable these life-changing therapies to reach a wide variety of patients.
The future of child neurology is bright—indeed, far more promising than at the turn of the 21st century. Many devastating diseases now have real hope of targeted therapies, which can cure not just one but all manifestations of the disease and offer the child and family the promise of a normal life.”
SRF article on IPSCs: https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/post/another-srf-contribution-to-syngap1-research-patient-derived-cell-lines-to-test-treatments
SRF article on reading your genetic report:
SRF article on VUS:

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Episode 44 of #Syngap10 - January 21, 2022  
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Special Double Episode: Understanding your particular variant and what to do about it (Hint: #iPSC)

Special Double Episode: Understanding your particular variant and what to do about it (Hint: #iPSC)
Release Date
