Simplicity Zen Podcast Episode 12 - An Interview with Genjo Marinello (The Zen Lamp Series)

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 Kokan (古観) Genjo (玄成 )Marinello is a Rinzai priest and abbot of Chobo-ji in Seattle. He began his Zen training in 1975 after befriending Rev. Daizen Brian Victoria at UCLA and began practicing zazen under the instruction of Thích Thiên-Ân. Genjo did his first sesshin in the summer of 1977 under the instruction of Soto Zen Priest Hirano Osho-san. Genjo was ordained an unsui (priest in training) in 1980 in Seattle. For parts of 1981 and 1982 he trained for one winter period at Ryutaku-Ji (龍澤寺) in Japan, under Sochu Suzuki Roshi and retired Soen Nakagawa Roshi. For a time both Genjo and Genki trained with Joshu Sasaki. After Genki Takabayashi retired, Genjo trained with the late Eido Shimano, former abbot of DaiBosatsu Monastery in New York, who affirmed Genjo as Dharma Heir on May 21st, 2008. In addition to being our Abbot, Genjo is a psychotherapist in private practice. More about Genjo: - More about Simplicity Zen: - 

Simplicity Zen Podcast Episode 12 - An Interview with Genjo Marinello (The Zen Lamp Series)

Simplicity Zen Podcast Episode 12 - An Interview with Genjo Marinello (The Zen Lamp Series)
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