Meighan Stone: Media Coverage of Muslims and Refugee Policy

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A conversation with Meighan Stone, Entrepreneurship Fellow (spring 2017) and former president of the Malala Fund, about her new research paper which argues that the predominantly negative coverage of Muslims and refugees on U.S. TV news contributes to negative public opinion of Muslims, and in turn, policies such as President Trump's "Muslim Ban." The paper, which you can read in full at, analyses the major newscasts of three outlets—CBS, Fox, and NBC—and finds that during a two-year period from 2015-2017, there was not a single month where positive stories about Muslims outnumbered negative stories. War and terrorist activities were the major focus of news reports, with ISIS serving as protagonist 75 percent of the time, while positive coverage, such as human interest stories or those depicting Muslims as productive members of society, were overlooked.  Full paper:

Meighan Stone: Media Coverage of Muslims and Refugee Policy

Meighan Stone: Media Coverage of Muslims and Refugee Policy
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