Lucid Dreaming for Mindful Living, with Andrew Holecek

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Have you ever become aware that you’re dreaming, while still in the dream? Lucid dreaming is the act of becoming conscious that we’re dreaming. It’s a skill we can intentionally develop to become more lucid in our waking state. Those who regularly practice mindfulness meditation may be particularly adept at lucid dreaming.
In this episode, author and spiritual teacher Andrew Holecek introduces lucid dreaming, dream yoga, and how to best induce these deeply meditative states. Learn more about the benefits of nocturnal meditations in Episode #306, Mindfulness While Sleeping, or start with the preliminary practice of Liminal Dreaming, introduced in Episode #064.
Andrew Holecek teaches meditation, lucid dreaming, and Buddhist death preparation practices worldwide. His books include “Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming” and “Dreams of Light: The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming.”
This talk is a brief excerpt from Andrew Holecek’s guest teacher presentation to those enrolled in the Mindfulness Exercises Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program. This unique, online, self-paced certification program balances pre-recorded webinars with live mentorship. Students in the program learn directly from Sean Fargo, his team, and some of the world’s most respected mindfulness and meditation experts. 
Train to share mindfulness with confidence, compassion and skill within a supportive online community. Learn more at or, schedule a 15-minute call with Sean to see if this program is right for you at

Related Episode: Mindfulness While Sleeping, with Andrew Holecek 

Related Episode: Liminal Dreaming as a Mindful Practice, with Andrew Holecek

Lucid Dreaming for Mindful Living, with Andrew Holecek

Lucid Dreaming for Mindful Living, with Andrew Holecek
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