Protecting Your Energy

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Being an entrepreneur is hard. It takes a lot of physical, mental, and emotional energy to start a business. It takes even more energy to continue to grow a successful business. And it seems every day brings challenges, obstacles, and issues that threaten to deplete that energy. Energy we need to keep moving forward. 
In this episode, we’re talking about things in your business that threaten your energy. As a subscription box owner, you’re going to deal with cancellations. Every subscription box owner does. You may even deal with negative feedback.
As entrepreneurs, our businesses are personal. We put our own blood, sweat, and tears into them. Managing these customer service issues can affect us. They can make us doubt ourselves and our businesses, draining us of the mental and emotional energy we need to run our businesses well. 
Protect your energy by puting these tips and strategies in place: 

Give customer service issues to someone else. If you have a VA you can delegate responses to, do so. Putting a buffer between yourself and customer service issues keeps it impersonal but still professional.

Reset yourself. Take a walk, run a bath, or do something that helps you disconnect from the stress of work. 

Remember it’s not about you, it’s about them. You never know what a person is dealing with, especially in these situations. Cancellations happen for any number of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with the box itself. Use that perspective to try not to take these issues personally.

Keep reminders of positive feedback visible. Keep positive comments and reviews where you can see them to help remind you what’s important: delivering a VIP experience to your subscribers.

Cancellations and negative feedback are a fact of life as a business owner, but they don’t need to be something that robs you of precious time and energy. The longer you’re in business, the more you’ll see that if you are professional in your responses and positive in your outlook, there is a good chance many of those subscribers will come back! 
Join me for this episode to learn why protecting your energy is so important, especially for entrepreneurs. I’ll share strategies and tips to help you protect the energy you have and gain more! 

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Protecting Your Energy

Protecting Your Energy
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