Sulfate recycling at subduction zones and sulfur isotopes with Libby Sharman

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There are geochemists and isotope geochemists... this episode we're speaking with the latter and this discussion could not be more interesting! Seriously. I found myself at different points so riveted (by that I mean thinking too hard) that I forgot I was supposed to be asking more questions.

As usual, my favorite part of the episode is Tea Time, but for a different reason. As an undergraduate, Libby asked a question to established researchers that were giving a talk to her university 8000+ of miles from their lab en route to do some fieldwork at the Platreef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa) that became a huge contribution to science and ore deposits research, as well as the focus for her MSc and PhD research. So cool.

For this episode we read:
Sulfate recycling at subduction zones indicated by sulfur isotope systematics of Mesozoic ultramafic island arc cumulates in the North American Cordillera (Milidragovic et al., 2023)


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Sulfate recycling at subduction zones and sulfur isotopes with Libby Sharman

Sulfate recycling at subduction zones and sulfur isotopes with Libby Sharman
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