To declare, or not to declare, a climate emergency, that is the question

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So, what exactly would a climate emergency declaration free the Biden administration to do? Senior editor Jasmin Melvin posed that question to Liz Craddock, a partner at the Holland & Knight law firm. She joined the podcast to explain what authorities President Joe Biden would newly have at his disposal, the key energy statutes that could possibly come into play and the potential political pitfalls as well as legal risks and challenges the administration would face from taking such action. This interview took place before Senator Joe Manchin’s deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on a party-line budget reconciliation package with clean energy and climate provisions was announced. But Craddock’s take raises some interesting points on a climate emergency and the options Biden may still need to weigh if the climate package falls through or concerns are raised that he hasn’t gone far enough to address climate change ahead of midterm elections. Stick around after the interview for Chris Van Moessner with the Market Minute, a look at near-term oil market drivers.

To declare, or not to declare, a climate emergency, that is the question

To declare, or not to declare, a climate emergency, that is the question
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