635. Joseph Selbie on “The Physics of God”

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Selbie makes the complex and obscure simple and clear. He is known for creating bridges of understanding between the modern evidence-based discoveries of science and the ancient experience-based discoveries of the mystics. A dedicated meditator for nearly fifty years, he has taught yoga, meditation, and universal experiential spirituality throughout the US and Europe. He has also been an avid follower of the unfolding new paradigm of post-materialist science—with groaning bookshelves to show for it. Selbie has authored The Physics of God, a unification of science and religion, and The Yugas, a factual look at India’s tradition of cyclical history. Selbie is a founding member of Ananda—a meditation-based community and spiritual movement inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda. He lives with his wife at Ananda Village near Nevada City, California.


The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science - "The explanations of transcendent phenomena given by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers—miracles, immortality, heaven, God, and transcendent awareness—are fully congruent with scientific discoveries in the fields of relativity, quantum physics, medicine, M-theory, neuroscience, and quantum biology. The Physics of God describes the intersections of science and religion with colorful, easy-to-understand metaphors, making abstruse subjects within both science and religion easily accessible to the layman—no math, no dogma."
The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Our Hidden Past, Emerging Energy Age and Enlightened Future

Website: physicsandgod.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and Transcript of this interview.

Interview with Joseph on "The Yugas".

Interview recorded February 26, 2022

Video and audio below. Audio also available as a Podcast.

YouTube Video Chapters:

00:00:00 - Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
00:03:33 - A Shift Towards Philosophy and Spirituality
00:07:38 - From Science to Spirituality
00:11:11 - Comparing Science and Religion
00:14:41 - The Interpretation of Science and Religion
00:18:46 - Unity between Science and Religion
00:22:07 - The convergence of science and spirituality
00:25:30 - Bridging Science and Spirituality
00:29:31 - Incorporating Spirituality in Science
00:33:09 - The Challenges of Applying Scientific Experimentation to Spirituality
00:36:32 - The Nature of Matter and Energy
00:40:35 - The Intelligent Organization of Energy
00:44:57 - Flatland and Two Dimensional Reality
00:48:46 - The Intersection of Science and Spirituality
00:52:15 - The Complexity of the Universe
00:56:02 - The creation of multiple universes and promissory materialism
00:59:35 - The Mathematical Language of Consciousness
01:03:20 - The Challenges of Bridging the Gap in scientific research
01:06:43 - The Power of Consciousness and Responsibility
01:10:24 - Mind-blowing Mystical Experiences
01:13:32 - The Origin of Consciousness and the Role of the Observer
01:17:37 - Challenging Fundamental Truths
01:21:18 - Einstein's View on Quantum Physics
01:24:53 - Nonlocality and the Existence of Multiple Universes
01:28:58 - The Intelligent Power of the Universe
01:32:33 - Currents of Intelligence and the Manifestation of Gods and Demons
01:36:08 - The Role of Freewill in Shaping our Reality
01:39:51 - The Future of Science and the Flip
01:43:01 - Wrapping up and defining God
01:46:40 - The Oneness with God
01:49:36 - Life is What Happens

635. Joseph Selbie on “The Physics of God”

635. Joseph Selbie on “The Physics of God”
Release Date
