The Air of Shabbat

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Welcome to Embrace Shabbat. In his sefer Tefillah l’Moshe (page 191), Rav Moshe Kordevero, famously known as the Ramak, teaches that the air of weekdays is tamei , contaminated, while the air of Shabbat is tahor , pure. He draws a parallel to the difference between the air in Eretz Yisrael and the air of outside of Eretz Yisrael, as it says אוירא דארעא ישראל מחכים , the air of Eretz Yisrael brings wisdom . Negative forces exist in the air outside of Eretz Yisrael, just as they do during the mundane weekdays. However, on Shabbat, the air becomes holy. It is for this reason that we mention Yerushalayim in our Shabbat Arvit prayers; Shabbat has a certain aspect of Eretz Yisrael. This concept is also reflected in our recitation of Shalom Aleichem. As he left Eretz Yisrael, Yaakov Avinu dreamt of angels going up and down a ladder; the angels of Eretz Yisrael were leaving him as the angels of Chutz LaAretz were coming to accompany him. Similarly, on Friday night, the angels of the weekday leave and the new Shabbat angels come to a person’s home. We sing Shalom Aleichem, the angels of peace , to welcome the angels of Shabbat, angels of peace. Shabbat has a flavor of Eretz Yisrael. Rav Wolbe, quoting his brother-in-law, Rabbi Kreiswirth (they both married sisters, daughters of Rav Avraham Grodzinski, hy”d) explains the Chazal that teaches that the air of Eretz Yisrael brings one wisdom. Mekubalim teach that Moshe Rabbeinu personifies the trait of Netzach , eternity. Therefore, anything that he came in contact with lasted forever. For example, Moshe built the Mishkan, which will last forever. Because of this power, Moshe Rabbeinu could not build the Beit HaMikdash, as it would last forever and G-d wouldn’t be able to destroy it. When the Jewish people sinned, G-d would be “forced” to destroy the Jewish people instead, because of the eternal power of the Beit HaMikdash. This is one of the reasons why Moshe Rabbeinu couldn’t enter Eretz Yisrael. Instead, Moshe Rabbeinu went up to the mountain and looked at Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Kreisworth teaches that by looking at Eretz Yisrael, Moshe Rabbeinu was able to uplift the air of Eretz Yisrael. Even after the Beit HaMikdash is destroyed, the air of Eretz Yisrael, which was uplifted and purified by Moshe Rabbeinu, has eternal powers until today. ישמח משה במתנת חלקו - Moshe Rabbeinu was the one who introduced Shabbat to the Jewish people. Therefore, just as the avir of Eretz Yisrael remains, the avir of Shabbat, touched by Moshe Rabbeinu, lasts forever. It still has its purity and kedusha . When a person merely breathes the air of Shabbat, he fills up with a different, holier air. We must be cognizant and ready for that wonderful kedusha that does not just come with the time of Shabbat, but also in the air of Shabbat. Have a wonderful day and a Shabbat Shalom.

The Air of Shabbat

The Air of Shabbat
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