Episode #5: Reducing Scheduling Conflicts Between Staff and Visitors

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How do we complete our task and job scheduling so it doesn’t interfere with the visitor experience? 
Parks and recreation departments have a lot of moving parts. Keeping everything working seamlessly is no small task.
And let’s face it: Those using our parks and facilities have little knowledge or interest in the maintenance and job scheduling required to keep things running smoothly. The only time visitors even consider maintenance work is when an area is in an unacceptable condition or the maintenance crew distracts from their experience. 
So how can we make sure all maintenance work gets completed without being distracting?
Today, we’re going to talk about 4 things to consider for minimizing conflicts during job scheduling. 
The Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast is for busy professionals working to change the game in the Parks and Recreation field. If you liked this episode,  please check out more of our park and recreation maintenance podcasts or view some articles on our blog.
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Episode #5: Reducing Scheduling Conflicts Between Staff and Visitors

Episode #5: Reducing Scheduling Conflicts Between Staff and Visitors
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