Off Leash Prerequisites: Episode 154

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Wanting your dog to be off-leash is not just some power move to show your neighbors you are better than them. It can actually be life-changing for your dog and save them in case of emergencies. However, there are a few things you must teach and get out of the way before you embark on this new adventure of off-leash training.

In today's episode, I go over exactly what you need to teach and feel confident in before unclipping the leash for the first time. You will also learn exactly how I have taught over 12,000 dogs and their owners to have reliable dogs that they can trust off-leash wherever they go.

Here is a free PDF download on stopping bad behaviors without punishment to get you started in training and succeeding.

If you want to work one on one with me schedule a discovery call here and let's make sure this is a right fit for you.

Off Leash Prerequisites: Episode 154

Off Leash Prerequisites: Episode 154
Release Date
