The mother- daughter combination of Linda Park and Dana-Sue Crews will talk about their son and brother Luke who was diagnosed with Hystiocytosis X in 1977 and told that the outcome would be fatal. Luke is now 47 years old and doing very well.

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In 1977,  Linda Park's son and Dana - Sue Crews' younger brother Luke was diagnosed with Histiocytosis X when he was 18 months old,  was told that he would not survive, and that the end would be quick and tragic. On today's podcast Linda and Dana-Sue will talk about Luke and how he recovered from his blood cancer diagnosis which is now known as Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and is thriving at the age of 47. They will also talk about the book that Linda wrote called BRAVE COURAGEOUS BOLD , LUKE AND HIS BIG BATTLE and the work that Dana- Sue has done for the cause of Pediatric Cancer which was inspired by Luke's fight, including starting the Bell Asteri Publishing company which publishes books concerning individual Pediatric Cancer stories. 

The mother- daughter combination of Linda Park and Dana-Sue Crews will talk about their son and brother Luke who was diagnosed with Hystiocytosis X in 1977 and told that the outcome would be fatal. Luke is now 47 years old and doing very well.

The mother- daughter combination of Linda Park and Dana-Sue Crews will talk about their son and brother Luke who was diagnosed with Hystiocytosis X in 1977 and told that the outcome would be fatal. Luke is now 47 years old and doing very well.
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