211: Stepmom Who Tried To Take Her Own Life

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** DISCLAIMER ** This episode contains mention of suicide and abortion.  On this episode of Nacho Kids, Lori interviews a guest who shares their experience with the challenges of blended families. From managing schedules and family dynamics, to personal struggles with mental health, the guest provides valuable insights and advice for navigating difficult situations. Tune in to hear how they've learned to let go of control in certain areas and prioritize their own well-being while still being a supportive member of their blended family. In this episode, we discuss: Mental health in the blend Camp Counselor mode Letting the bio parent cook and care for their kids Boundaries Being a stepkid then a stepmom Nacho Kids Academy Nacho Parenting Success Story: Before discovering the Nacho Kids Academy, our stepfamily was facing numerous challenges that seemed insurmountable. The constant conflicts, misunderstandings, and lack of harmony were tearing us apart, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. It felt like we were trapped in a never-ending cycle of frustration and resentment. But then, like a ray of hope, we stumbled upon the Nacho Kids website and saw the link to the Academy and everything changed. From the very first moment, we knew we had found a lifeline that would help us navigate the complexities of our stepfamily dynamics. The guidance, resources, and support provided by Lori  & David turned out to be the key ingredients in rebuilding our bonds and creating a loving and united family unit. Their Nacho Academy not only provided us with invaluable knowledge about the unique challenges of blended families but also empowered us with practical strategies to address those challenges head-on. The courses were comprehensive, well-structured, and tailored to our specific needs. We learned how to deal with difficult ex-partners, manage conflicts, and most importantly, to stop reacting and start responding. One of the most transformative aspects of the Nacho Kids Academy was the emphasis on self-care and personal growth. Through their guidance, we discovered the importance of taking care of ourselves and nurturing our own mental and emotional well-being. This newfound self-awareness allowed us to approach our stepfamily dynamics with more empathy, understanding, and patience. It enabled us to break free from the negative patterns of the past and create a healthier and happier environment for everyone involved. The supportive community of like-minded individuals within the Academy was another incredible asset. We connected with other stepfamilies who were going through similar challenges, shared our experiences, and gained valuable insights. The sense of camaraderie and encouragement we received from this community was truly uplifting and provided us with the strength to persevere during the most challenging times. Today, thanks to the Nacho Kids Academy, we can proudly say that we have rebuilt the bonds within our stepfamily. Our home is filled with love, respect, and understanding. We have learned to embrace our unique family dynamics, celebrating our differences and cherishing the beautiful relationships we have built. The transformation we have experienced is nothing short of remarkable, and it is all thanks to the exceptional guidance and support we received from Lori and David. If you are a struggling stepfamily, feeling lost and hopeless, we wholeheartedly recommend the Nacho Kids Nacho Parenting Method and the Nacho Kids Academy. It is a beacon of hope in a sea of challenges, offering the tools and support needed to transform your stepfamily dynamics. With their guidance, you too can rebuild your bonds, create a harmonious environment, and thrive in the blend. Nachoing changed our lives, and we are forever grateful for the positive impact it has had on our stepfamily journey. ~ G.S.  

211: Stepmom Who Tried To Take Her Own Life

211: Stepmom Who Tried To Take Her Own Life
Release Date
