ENTERING Hell Gate City

Release Date:

A radio jockey in the future uses a new gizmo to live-stream his nightmares for ratings. All hell breaks loose.

Hell Gate City is the award-winning comedy fiction audio series about a ragtag bunch of denizens struggling to survive a cyberpunk hellhole NYC.

Celebrate Thornton Thursdays with:
New Episodes for Every Listener!
Glitch in the Matrix Bonus Tales for Members of the Inner Legion!!
Prereleases of next week's Episode and Bonus Tale for Dreamwalkers!!!
Join the Inner Legion and micro-dose these nuggets of fun for as little as 18¢ a day: patreon.com/hellgatecity

(We put specific content warnings at the bottom of show notes or the end of transcripts to avoid spoilers.)

Show Synopsis
On the surface, Hell Gate City is a rollicking audio saga about the community served by a local radio show for the fictional megacity Neo Amsterdam. It’s a genre-bending comedy with a heavy emphasis on cyberpunk themes, especially as applied to questions about the nature of consciousness and dreams. Hence, dreampunk.

As of August 2023, all listeners should embark on the listening journey by starting here – the fully reimagined Episode 0. "Cypher – Sabotage Exposed!". Then, proceed chronologically to Episodes 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Season 2 – Codename COMPANION just launched in September 2023 with "Unboxing" (Episode 11). And COMPANION truly kicks into gear with the first 'proper' episode, "Tabula" (Episode 12).

Season 1
After a dream-streaming device intended to increase ratings accidentally broadcasts his repressed memories of an eldritch murder, radio jockey Kirby Bevins must overcome dark forces and folly to solve the crime before he becomes the next victim.

Season 2
The next chapter ushers listeners into the phantasmagorical side of Neo Amsterdam like never before by way of a recording – for quality assurance purposes – of a customer support call from a denizen trapped in a metaverse gone awry. Cruise the seamy underbelly of a virtual world beyond the veil.

We love to hear from listeners. Feel free to email us at hellgatecity AT proton DOT me

To learn more, including where to find transcripts, visit http://hellgatecity.com

Stay rested, dream-hackers. You're going to need it.

ENTERING Hell Gate City

ENTERING Hell Gate City
Release Date
