Summer and Body Image: Navigating the Pressure to Look a Certain Way

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Summer is upon us, and with it comes those familiar whispers of diet culture and body image expectations. But guess what? We're flipping the script today! In this empowering episode, we're going to explore how you can navigate summer body image without resorting to restrictive diets or harmful practices.   We'll be shattering the myths and misconceptions around achieving a so-called "perfect" summer body. No more chasing after unattainable ideals or sacrificing your mental and physical well-being. Instead, we're going to focus on nurturing a compassionate body narrative and building resilience from the inside out.   Get ready to discover 4 simple strategies that will help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin this summer. You'll walk away feeling inspired and equipped to embrace your authenticity while enjoying everything summer has to offer.   So, whether you're heading to the beach, attending pool parties, or simply enjoying the sunshine, let's make this summer a celebration of body diversity and self-acceptance. It's time to ditch the diets, challenge harmful beauty standards, and bask in the radiance of your incredible self.   Get ready to make this your best summer yet, my friend. Remember, you are wonderful, just as you are. I can't wait for you to hear this episode - hit play and enjoy!   Today’s Wellness Woo is cold plunges.   Links mentioned: Join the Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience Grab my FREE Body Image Journal Prompts

Summer and Body Image: Navigating the Pressure to Look a Certain Way

Summer and Body Image: Navigating the Pressure to Look a Certain Way
Release Date
