#95: Navigating Photo Triggers and Body Image

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What goes through your mind when you see a picture of yourself? Do you think, “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that’s how I look! How horrifying!” If so, this episode is for you. This is a really common struggle, and I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all seen photos of ourselves that we don’t like, but for some of us this can be such a huge trigger for negative body image, self-hatred and desperately wanting to do something to lose weight or change our bodies. I don’t want you to erase yourself from your own life by not being in photos, or by deleting every photo of yourself because you’re so triggered by the image. You CAN work through the body shame that you feel when you see images of yourself. In fact, you can also desensitize yourself to how triggering this is in the first place. And this is exactly what we’re going to cover in this episode. I’m going to walk you through: Steps you can take to work through a body image spiral when you see a photo of yourself that you’re horrified by The work you can do NOW to prevent these shame spirals from happening in the future (without skipping out on being in the gosh darn photos) What to do if you feel like you don’t recognize yourself in photos - if that image doesn’t match the mental image you have of your body (this is actually really common) How to stop comparing your body to past pictures of yourself and to others   Go ahead and hit play and give this episode a listen. You won’t regret it. And while you’re here, check out Non-Diet Academy. It just might change your life, no joke. >> Click here for details. Today’s Wellness Woo is The Blood Type Diet.   Resources Mentioned in Episode: Enroll in Non-Diet Academy and make peace with your body. You deserve to have freedom with food and to feel comfortable in your own skin. I can help you with this!   

#95: Navigating Photo Triggers and Body Image

#95: Navigating Photo Triggers and Body Image
Release Date
