Episode 9: Episode 9: Spinning Our Wheels

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Introduction: In this chapter of Expressions at Work, we delve into the complexities of corporate negotiations, spotlighting the unpredictability of high-stakes deals. Dialogue: In a meeting room, Tom expressed his frustration: "I thought our deal was imminent today, but now they want to renegotiate. After months of spinning our wheels and many nights burning the midnight oil, this is an unexpected setback. I'll touch base with the other company soon." Jenna responded, "These curveballs are tough. Let's recalibrate and move forward." Breaking down the highlighted expressions: A) Imminent: Definition: About to happen soon.Example: "A leadership change seems imminent."B) Spinning Our Wheels: Definition: Making no progress.Example: "We're just spinning our wheels in these meetings."C) Burning the Midnight Oil: Definition: Working very late.Example: "She's burning the midnight oil for the project."D) Setback: Definition: An unexpected challenge.Example: "Losing that client was a setback."E) Curveballs: Definition: Unexpected problems.Example: "Life throws curveballs, but we adapt."F) Recalibrate: Definition: Adjust or modify.Example: "We need to recalibrate our strategy."G) Touch Base: Definition: Contact or update.Example: "I'll touch base with the client tomorrow." Stay tuned for our next chapter, where we continue to uncover the language of the corporate world.    

Episode 9: Episode 9: Spinning Our Wheels

Episode 9: Episode 9: Spinning Our Wheels
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