What Does it Feel Like to have a Miscarriage? | Carrie Hauskens

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1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, but no one can prepare you for the sudden loss of a pregnancy. The pain is unbearable, and for many it leads to isolation and a hidden grief. We are SO GRATEFUL to Carrie Hauskens for walking us through exactly what it feels like to have a miscarriage at 8 months. Her journey is an inspiration and an education for us all.October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Allow this to be a HUGE step towards processing your own grief, and understanding the grief of so many.Carrie is an inspiration for many and can be found at www.bloomingwithcare.com and @bloomingwithcare on instagram. 

What Does it Feel Like to have a Miscarriage? | Carrie Hauskens

What Does it Feel Like to have a Miscarriage? | Carrie Hauskens
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