80: Why Your Yoga Business Is Struggling To Survive

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Signup for the FREE workshop: Thrive Teaching Online at thriveteachingonline.com/workshop
In 2016, after 5 years of yoga certifications, I realized something was missing. I had a ton of personal and spiritual growth, but almost no material or financial growth. I moved around Austin from one guest room to another until I found a place I wanted to live with awesome roommates. When I asked how much it cost to live there I said "oh wow, nevermind, I wont be able to afford that." The cost was $500 a month. With all bills and food included. 
I started to question the path I was on. How could I serve my students if I can't even pay my bills? So instead of taking another yoga training, I took a business training. For six years I studied with some of the best marketing, sales and business teachers in the world. This was not separate from my spiritual path at all. It was the best thing I could have done for my personal growth. The teachers I resonated with most lived yogic principles like ahimsa and aparigraha. They also happened to be the most successful ones. 
Since then, I've become more confident, focused, and more myself than ever before. As a reflection of my internal growth, my business has seen massive growth too. After 350k+ podcast downloads and creating a six figure business doing only work I love, I want to give back. If you want to grow your yoga business and see similar results, then I created something you'll love. It's a free workshop called Thrive Teaching Online on Tuesday April 26th at 2pm CST. I'm opening this workshop to the public, and offering 1-1 mentoring to a few dedicated teachers. This is for you if you want to increase your income, grow your audience and transition to only doing work you love. My goal is to help you achieve those results and save years of trial, error, overwhelm and frustration. If you’re interested, go to thriveteachingonline.com/workshop to sign up for the free workshop. 

80: Why Your Yoga Business Is Struggling To Survive

80: Why Your Yoga Business Is Struggling To Survive
Release Date
