Simplified Goal Setting for the New Year- Edit and Delete

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Setting Goals for The New Year It’s that time of year again where you start to reflect on the previous year. The things you accomplished and the things you wished you’d accomplished. You may have set a few goals for the new year or chosen one big new year’s resolution. Or, if you’re like most of us, you have a list of a million things you want to do, accomplish, get better at. “This year I’m going to finally lose the baby weight, organize my house, learn to xyz, be a better mom, sister, wife, cousin, etc, and the list goes on and on.” Sound familiar? The idea of adding more to your already busy life can be overwhelming, which is why many people fail to follow through with the resolutions they set on January 1.  In this episode of The Simple Home Podcast, we’’ll talk about a new way to look at setting goals for the new year. Rather than going about the goal setting process as adding on new things, I want you to look at your capacity, and edit things out so you have the capacity to accomplish the things you want to accomplish.  Using this method of setting goals for the new year you will take out or delete things that no longer serve you and hold you back from reaching them.  You only have so much capacity. You have a given amount of time, energy, mental space, and even physical space each day. If you’re already maxed out, there’s no way you can add more to your plate and still feel like you’re staying afloat.  With every area of your life, I hope this year, you’ll learn to take away the items that don’t add to your life, the things that are weighing you down and holding you back, so you can purposely pursue the things that are meaningful to you. Give yourself some grace as you set goals for the new year and look at deleting things from your schedule, your diet, and your home instead of piling more stuff on. Helpful Links For This EpisodeFree Facebook Community10 Things in 20 Minutes- 10 Things You Can Do For Easier MorningsSmall Steps to Lasting Change- 3 Small Mindset ShiftsSmall Steps to Lasting Change- Simplify Your Daily TasksLiving Clutter Free with Kids (Interview with Joshua Becker)Decluttering for Busy MomsWhat Minimalism Really Looks Like with a Family If this episode inspired you in some way, please take a minute to leave a rating and review on itunes. Use this link, click the 5 starts, and write a short review of the show! 

Simplified Goal Setting for the New Year- Edit and Delete

Simplified Goal Setting for the New Year- Edit and Delete
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