How to Promote Creativity in Your Child | Dad University Podcast Ep. 224

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1) Allow them to be bored - stop entertaining them. This forces them to be creative. 2) Limit use of electronics - while some games are creative, watching television doesn't help their creativity 3) Don't solve their problems - ask them questions instead? How can you solve this? Force them to come up with solutions 4) Create an area of the house for play - if you can....whether garage or playroom...allow them a space in which they can call their own and take part in how it looks and what is there. 5) Spend time outdoors - encourage them to play outside. We had a huge forest growing up. We made forts, were forced to be creative. 6) Encourage dress up or costumes - Having super heroes and characters 7) Allow them to dress themselves and/or pick out their clothes - children will wear the same thing every day if they are allowed. 8) Encourage creative/art gifts - When relatives and friends ask what to get them - encourage creative gifts - paper, drawing, paints, crayons, Lego's, blocks, etc.

How to Promote Creativity in Your Child | Dad University Podcast Ep. 224

How to Promote Creativity in Your Child | Dad University Podcast Ep. 224
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