Live Q and A: Channel data, Analytics, and View Counts are Trending Up.

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If you are just a starter in the real estate industry and you have been thinking a lot about the things you should consider, the things you should do, and the things you must avoid, then we are the right people that you should talk to! I've been through it. We've built 13 YouTube channels across the country and we are willing to share with you our experiences throughout the process. My partner, Jackson Wilkey, and I started our path in this business in 2019 and we have never looked back.What do you think about doing videos while wearing sunglasses?What does 20-10-ATS mean?I posted 6 videos so far! When should I start paying attention to the analytics? And what is the average analytics you see that is good? Click through, watch time, etcI'm having a hard time with the organization of all the files. I shot over 20 videos with 700+clips (b rolls) and now trying to organize and edit it's tough. Ant suggestions with the organization? Can you discuss map videos vs vlogs? I feel I'm gonna say the exact same things in each video maybe who cares?The top video suggestions for Living in Durango, CO and things like Durango hiking, train, mountain biking, hot springs Christmas - is it ok to shoot those more broad videos or how would you do it? Do I only post videos on Estate or do I sprinkle my life too?Jackson any advice regarding value-based offerings to help your audience, especially buyers and sellers? Sometimes like a lead magnet or e-book. Also, any tips for overcoming perfectionism? 10 videos so far. Had some setbacks and got back into it. Any advice on getting through the slow-growing pains of getting consistency back?It seems like " living in " and " moving to Jacksonville " seems to be overdone here, should I niche down to a bedroom community? Looking forward to the BootCamp next week. Will the session be recorded for future viewing?These are just a few of the questions that were posed during our live Q&A podcast, and you're about to hear all of the answers, so stay tuned!💡 Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. For more goodness on our blog, you may also visit our website Tune in and subscribe to the Channel Junkies Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and all other podcast platforms.

Live Q and A: Channel data, Analytics, and View Counts are Trending Up.

Live Q and A: Channel data, Analytics, and View Counts are Trending Up.
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