Trusting Intuition as a Nurse Coach: Neelam Murthi, MS, RN

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Trusting Intuition as a Nurse Coach: Neelam Murthi, MS, RN Highlights“How do you tap into your own intuition and listen to your inner guide about your next steps? We don't need to be stuck in a place because we think the benefits are great, and because the pay is great, or whatever the reason is. Choose what flourishes you.”  ~Neelam Murthi, MSN, RNAh-HasFollow your intuition. Trust your gut.Manifest your desires. What do you truly want?  Slow down, focus on what makes your heart feel joy and peace and go there.  Follow your intuition.  Find what enlivens you.DESA: Diet, exercise, sleep and awareness, one approach to Nurse health coachingYou spend so much time at work, so it is imperative to bring self-care and wellbeing into your day, throughout the day, instead of just waiting until after work. It can take seconds to stop and take 3 deep breaths in and out.How can we meet our own needs to be fully present to care for others with deep meaning?Practice what you preach. Be a role model of what you want to see in the worldTravel, network and find what speaks to your heartTry not to stay in a place because you need a paycheck, or because the benefits are good. Instead, find a place where you can flourish!Links and ResourcesIntegrative Nurse Coach Certificate ProgramSusan LuckBarbara DosseyFempreneursWell CoachesIntegrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting  Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!

Trusting Intuition as a Nurse Coach: Neelam Murthi, MS, RN

Trusting Intuition as a Nurse Coach: Neelam Murthi, MS, RN
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