Ep: 246: What Taylor Swift has to do with Your Nonprofit or Nonprofit Consultancy

Release Date:

Even if you aren't a Swiftie, you probably have heard about the big Ticketmaster debacle this week with Taylor Swift tickets.

Here’s the thing. Stories like this might paralyze your nonprofit or grant writing business from moving forward!

Too often we get scared thinking about all the things that could go wrong, we forget that none of the things that could go right WILL NOT HAPPEN if we don’t hit “publish”

In this week’s Grant Writing & Funding episode, Holly Rustick shares with you on how the Taylor Swift+Ticketmaster story might be holding back your nonprofit or grant writing business from publishing a giving campaign or your business!

Plus, we will evaluate 4 of Holly’s own Tech Snafus and how she has course corrected.

Remember, “Done is Better Than Perfect”

✨💌 Visit https://grantwritingandfunding.com/ for the FREE Hub Haven Grant Writing
👉💰🖥️ Grant Writing Master Course: Get sample grants, logic models, videos, and more. Start to write winning grants! https://grantwritingandfunding.com/grant-writing-master-course/

🖥️🔥 👉 Want to get paid to write grants? Join the Freelance Grant Writer Master Course to launch and grow a freelance grant writing business: https://grantwritingandfunding.com/freelance-grant-writer-course/

🤗☕👉 Want to increase funding strategies for your Nonprofit? Join the Nonprofit Strategic Planning Master Course: https://grantwritingandfunding.com/nonprofit-strategic-planning/

For more information on today’s episode, check out: https://grantwritingandfunding.com/why-the-taylor-swift-ticketmaster-debacle-might-hold-your-nonprofit-back/

Thanks for listening!
Holly Rustick
Expert Grant Writer & Bestselling Author

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Ep: 246: What Taylor Swift has to do with Your Nonprofit or Nonprofit Consultancy

Ep: 246: What Taylor Swift has to do with Your Nonprofit or Nonprofit Consultancy
Release Date
