Episode 96: Ep # 96 Daily Patterns and Dinacharya

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What you do each day matters. The patterns, rituals, habits and routines you do the majority of the time create the body and mind you live with every day.

And it can be hard to create lasting patterns that lead to health.

But it is SO vital to a long, contributing and healthy life. Here are some questions I shared on the podcast that you can start to ask yourself to better identify where your patterns could use a shift.

When do you sleep?

How rested do you feel in the morning?

Is it hard to get out of bed? Do you like to hit snooze a lot?

Do you have structure to your day? That means you have scheduled time for work, rest, movement, time with family, meals etc and it is very similar day to day.

Is there a schedule for your meals or do you eat whenever something looks or smells good or whenever you feel like it?

When do you move your body?

How much time are you spending outdoors daily?

Do you create boundaries for my work? Is there a shut off time? This applies whether you work at home or leave the home, have an outside job or take care of a home and children. Do you have a time to be complete each day?

Do you make self-care a part of your day? This includes exercise, meditation, quiet time to think or journal, health care rituals like tongue scraping, nasya oil, neti or nasal washing, oil pulling for the mouth, self massage (abhyanga), yoga, dry brushing etc. No matter what you are doing for self-care, is it happening daily? And is it nourishing to you?

Do you have whitespace daily?

In this episode I give an example of my daily dinacharya (rituals) and share the concept of Hinge Habits to identify which habit you could shift that will impact all the rest.

And as we move towards spring it is time to start thinking about the season change and a Seasonal Ayurvedic Cleanse. Patterns and habits are a large part of this cleanse, so keep working on those and more information about the cleanse will be available soon.

Ready to implement what you are learning with support and community? Join the next 28 Day Ayurveda Immersion starting the beginning of next month. Learn more at https://www.ayurvedalifeschool.com/ayurvedaimmersion

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Episode 96: Ep # 96 Daily Patterns and Dinacharya

Episode 96: Ep # 96 Daily Patterns and Dinacharya
Release Date
