Episode 145: Ep #145: 4 Ways to Enhance the Stability and Strength of Kapha this Spring

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Kapha dosha. The heaviness, the lethargy and the sluggishness. But on the flip side- the strength, resiliency, patience and compassion.

As we transition into spring season, harnessing the power of Kapha to enhance the positive aspects of this dosha can lead up to greater health, immunity and peace.

In this episode I share:

The positive characteristics of Kapha and how to identify themselves in yourselfSpecific actions you can take to balance KaphaWhy spring time is the best time to love on KaphaHow to use exercise to enhance your Kapha qualitiesThe role that spices play in your spring harmonyDry brushing and why you should give it a tryThe power of cleansing this spring
Spring is exciting and a wonderful time to release and let go of attachments.

If you have been feeling sluggish, heavy, or just lacking zest for life, NOW is the time to focus on kapha and invigorating your body, mind and soul.

Join the Seasonal Spring Cleanse- Preparation begins March 25th and the active cleanse starts April 1-16th. Learn more at https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/seasonalcleanse

Haven't gotten your FREE Ayurveda Starter Kit with tongue scraper and mala beads? Order yours at https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/freestarterkit

Ready to put your habits into practice? Join the self-paced 28 Day Immersion and see your life change. https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/ayurvedaimmersion

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Ayurveda Life School


Episode 145: Ep #145: 4 Ways to Enhance the Stability and Strength of Kapha this Spring

Episode 145: Ep #145: 4 Ways to Enhance the Stability and Strength of Kapha this Spring
Release Date
