Episode 126: Ep #126: Cleansing, Fall and Emotional Release with Janelle Nielsen

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The leaves are starting to fall, the air is becoming crisp and autumn time is just around the corner for those of us living in the northern hemisphere.

The transition from summer to fall is a sacred experience, and one that requires attention, focus and mindfulness to ensure that you maintain health and wellness throughout this upcoming year.

In this weeks episode I chat with Janelle Nielsen, a student of Ayurveda and past Ayurveda Life School cleanser about her experience with an Ayurveda seasonal cleanse and how it has impacted her life and health.

We also discuss the importance of acceptance, emotional release and setting intentions based upon a desired emotion.

If you are feeling that pull to clear out your body and mind of the stuck energy, emotions, and maybe even a few extra pounds, joining the fall Ayurveda Life School cleanse that begins October 12th would support those goals.

Learn more in this week's episode.

Haven't gotten your FREE Ayurveda Starter Kit with tongue scraper and mala beads? Order yours at https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/freestarterkit

Ready to put your habits into practice? Join the 28 Day Immersion and see your life change. https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/ayurvedaimmersion

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Episode 126: Ep #126: Cleansing, Fall and Emotional Release with Janelle Nielsen

Episode 126: Ep #126: Cleansing, Fall and Emotional Release with Janelle Nielsen
Release Date
