Live Prospecting Demonstration w/Jeff Glover & Justin Ford Part 1

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In today’s episode of the Live UNREAL Podcast, Jeff Glover and Coach Justin Ford are kicking off the new year with a live prospecting demonstration. You’ll get to follow along as they call expired listings and show you the process that leads to success. Most agents want to take the first day of the year off, but New Year’s Day is actually one of the best days to get sellers on the phone. 
Jeff and Justin have a list of over 1000 homes to dial, and they’ll show you how they do it, and share the mindset you need to have during this process, and high level insights that will improve your prospecting game. It’s not glamorous and it takes a lot of patience, but it is by and large the most profitable activity you can commit to as an agent. 
Find out how to become a better prospector, deal with the downtime and rejection and also ways to increase your chances of getting an appointment. 
We also discussed;
How to turn a wrong number into an opportunity
What to do with the expired listings that don’t answer
Dialer best practices 

Key Points 
1. It’s important to see and understand the process of prospecting. Even the most seasoned prospecting pros have downtime, people who don’t answer and people who don’t want to talk to them. It’s about being prepared, showing up and being consistent over time to get the results. 
2. Script for a New Year’s voicemail: “Happy new year, I’m calling about your home for sale and to find out if you’re accepting offers? If you are, give me a call back.”
3. New Year’s Day off is actually the best time to prospect because; 
More expired opportunities than any other day of the year 
The people that are friendly are in a good mood 
You get a 1-2 day head start and advantage on your competition 

4. If a seller is out of town, and you can’t get an appointment in person don’t pass up on the opportunity - you can always set up a meeting via Zoom.  

Live Prospecting Demonstration w/Jeff Glover & Justin Ford Part 1

Live Prospecting Demonstration w/Jeff Glover & Justin Ford Part 1
Release Date
