FBI Chronicles With Trump

Release Date:

Julio and guest co-host Terrell Jermaine Starr, journalist and host of the Black Diplomats podcast, are joined by Imani Gandy, senior editor for the Rewire News Group and co-host of the podcast Boom! Lawyered, and Nathalie Baptiste, senior reporter at HuffPost, and they get real. They discuss the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, and the spike in threats of violence toward law enforcement officials. They also get into the latest with abortion access.

ITT Staff Picks:

“It’s time for MAGA adherents, who seem unmoved by the threat they pose to democracy, to consider the threat they pose to themselves,” writes Frank Figliuzzi for MSNBC Opinion.
For the Rewire News Group, Imani Gandy writes about the devastating consequences of our post-Roe reality, including doctors waiting until pregnant people are on the brink of death before helping them.
Trans folks have largely been left out of the conversation after the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, but they’ll be among the most directly affected, reports Hallie Lieberman for Buzzfeed News.

Photo credit: AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

FBI Chronicles With Trump

FBI Chronicles With Trump
Release Date
