192. No rest for the wicked (Condition #40: Taking breaks)

Release Date:

If you’re a regular OMG listener, I’m curious if you’ve ever wondered why I do the show in seasons. The honest answer is that at a certain point making the show – as fun as it is – starts feeling like a bit of a burden. I’ll be honest with you, here we are at the 42nd episode of season 4 and my energy level *really* isn’t what it was back in episode 151. But knowing that episode 200 is the start of an indefinite break does two important things. First, it helps me to stay motivated to push through and keep the quality high. Second, the break gives me space to step back and be thoughtful about what to do next, without the pressure of having to put out two more episodes next week. When I talk to directors about the things that most affect their ability to stay engaged and useful, they give me two related answers. The first is that they need regular and generous breaks. It allows them room to digest what they’ve heard and discussed, while also making sure they don’t get bored or distracted or too frustrated. I know our agendas are over-stuffed and it’s hard to find time for breaks, but…remember subtraction neglect? The second and related thing is the subject of the next episode. For now, let’s take a break.

192. No rest for the wicked (Condition #40: Taking breaks)

192. No rest for the wicked (Condition #40: Taking breaks)
Release Date
