Unfamiliar Heroes 17 – The Owlbear Reintroduction Program Part 4

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Writing Alchemy Unfamiliar Heroes 17 Summary

Our three heroes begin their negotiations with the owlbears in the seventeenth game episode of Unfamiliar Heroes. Join them for the excitement of river adventures and camping with owlbears!
Willa the gecko lizardperson rogue, Tarragon the orc bard, and D’Zân the weredragon druid are participating in The Owlbear Reintroduction Program, a project that is reestablishing owlbears in areas where the owlbear populations have been previously wiped out. Of course, this is not as simple as it sounds, because owlbears are large, ferocious, magical predators. Throw in a group of skilled poachers determined to steal owlbear eggs and things are bound to get interesting. This improvised, tabletop adventure was created with the Magic Goes Awry role-playing system!
Unfamiliar Heroes is a new podcast series where people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or diverse minds use tabletop role-playing games to together create stories that center disabled, sick, and mentally diverse characters. In its core values this project centers the experiences of people living at the intersections of oppression. Unfamiliar Heroes is part of the Writing Alchemy Podcast.
Game System: Magic Goes Awry
Storyteller: Fay Onyx
Players: Oriana, Robin, Sage Ealy Silk

This illustration depicts three characters, each from a different genre of story, and each with a disability. On the left is a black gnome archer riding in a chariot pulled by a large brown dog. The chariot has a chair in it so that they can sit instead of stand. In the middle is a Latina woman manipulating a tech device on her wrist as she begins to go invisible. She is wearing an air filtering mask of the type that people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity sometimes wear. On the right is a white muscular superhero wearing a very gay, blue superhero outfit. He has lightning crackling between his two hands, which are shaped atypically. This beautiful work of art was created the amazing Rose Adare!
Show Notes
Game System
Magic Goes Awry: https://writing-alchemy.net/magic-goes-awry/
Fay’s Links
You can become my patron on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/WritingAlchemy
The RSS feed of this podcast is: https://writing-alchemy.net/feed/podcast
Unfamiliar Heroes: https://writing-alchemy.net/podcast-2/unfamiliar-heroes/
Robin’s Links
Tumblr: http://skeletonmug.tumblr.com
Access LARP: https://accesslarp.com/
Oriana’s Links
Facebook: www.facebook.com/oriana.sobriket
Our Space: A Coloring Book: https://www.facebook.com/ourspacecoloring/
Sage’s Links
Dreamwidth: https://vladdraculea.dreamwidth.org/
Music and Sound Credits
Intro: Kickin’ in the Turbo (Alasdair Cooper) / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Game theme: Living Voyage (Kevin MacLeod) / CC BY 3.0
Deer creek: river1.wav by Andy_Gardner | License: Creative Commons 0
River water: River Tay.wav by inchadney | License: Attribution
River drone: River Drone by silentseason | License: Creative Commons 0
The boat box opening sequence was made from the following three sounds:
Paper rustle: paper sounds by swordofkings128 | License: Creative Commons 0
Magic chime: Magic wand.wav by olver | License: Creative Commons 0
Box opening: cupboard creak 8.flac by tim.kahn | License: Attribution
Boat enlarging (this sound was reversed for the shrinking sound):
The boat thud and splash sequence was made from the following four sounds:
Crash and creak: Rysähdyksiä / Crash, wooden crashes, some creaks, mix by YleArkisto | License: Attribution
Thud: wooden door slam.wav by ttiimm54 | License: Sampling+
Rattle: light_crate_smash2.wav by Srehpog | License: Attribution
Splash: Big Splash.wav by Bird_man | License: Creative Commons 0
The boat scraping along the wharf was made from the following four sounds:
Large scrape: Wood Chest Slid.3.wav by kforetek | License: Creative Commons 0
Vibrating scrape: wood chair scrape on floor, papers,.mp3 by JohnsonBrandEditing | License: Creative Commons 0
Strained wood: Wood panel fence pull scrape creak by LampEight | License: Creative Commons 0
Wood sliding: Wood_Sliding_Various-Objects.wav by LamaMakesMusic | License: Creative Commons 0
Water sounds when boating down the river: Musconetcong River by stereoscenic | License: Attribution Noncommercial
Rowing: Rowing2.wav by juskiddink | License: Attribution
Splash: Sukellus, hyppy veteen / Dive, jump to the water by YleArkisto | License: Attribution
Podcast announcements: The Place Where I’ll Return To (Alasdair Cooper) / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Watching crow music: Tenebrous Brothers Carnival – Intermission (Kevin MacLeod) / CC BY 3.0
The alchemy sound sequence was made from the following thirteen sounds:
Bubbling: Bubbling beaker.wav by Melthurian | License: Creative Commons 0
Magical bubbling: Bubbles.aiff by gnrja | License: Attribution
Rumbly bubbling: LABORATORY – BUBBLE – WATER – OXYGEN – CHEMISTRY.wav by tjandrasounds | License: Attribution Noncommercial
Gluggy pouring: liquid.wav by tim.kahn | License: Attribution
Mortar and pestle: Mortar and pestle cooking; loud by Australopithecusman | License: Attribution
Splashes: Splash, Small, A.wav by InspectorJ | License: Attribution
Hissing: 120110_15 hot plate, cold water (2).wav by toiletrolltube | License: Creative Commons 0
Lid going on: top on pot.WAV by samplecat | License: Creative Commons 0
Bottle pouring: Pouring_Martini.aif by bhweber | License: Creative Commons 0
Pouring smoothly: Pouring a shot by JakLocke | License: Attribution
Fizzing: Tablet fizzing in water by justiiiiin | License: Attribution Noncommercial
Rattling: Japanese Ceramic Rice Pot by S. Dedalus | License: Attribution
Drips: Water, Dripping, Medium, A.wav by InspectorJ | License: Attributio
The rabbit in the bushes sound was made from the following two sounds:
Sudden bush movement: bushhit.wav by j1987 | License: Creative Commons 0
Bush movement: bushmovement.wav by j1987 | License: Creative Commons 0
Crow squawks (both forward and reversed): ANML_M_Ext_Crows_Flock_Angry3.wav by conleec | License: Creative Commons 0
Tarragon singing: Tenebrous Brothers Carnival – Prelude (Kevin MacLeod) / CC BY 3.0
The magic fog was made from the following two sounds:
Magic fog whoosh (rate stretched): floating whoosh slow.wav by martian | License: Creative Commons 0
Swirling air (rate stretched different amounts and layered): air.mp3 by markfrancombe | License: Attribution
Foliage rustling: Bush rustle: Foliage_Rustling_001.wav by duckduckpony | License: Attribution
Ominous zombie theme: Tenebrous Brothers Carnival – Act Three (Kevin MacLeod) / CC BY 3.0
Outro: Everybody’s Got Problems That Aren’t Mine (Chris Zabriskie) / CC BY 4.0The post Unfamiliar Heroes 17 – The Owlbear Reintroduction Program Part 4 first appeared on Oppression Aware Podcast, Fairy Tales, and Games.

Unfamiliar Heroes 17 – The Owlbear Reintroduction Program Part 4

Unfamiliar Heroes 17 – The Owlbear Reintroduction Program Part 4
Release Date
