Ep 592: Understanding Skills

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The shelf life of skills is getting ever shorter, which has significant implications for talent acquisition. It is essential that TA leaders take an active role in developing the overall skills strategy for their business. If employers want to be effective skills-based organizations, it is clear that talent acquisition, talent management, L&D and strategic workforce planning must be closely aligned.

My guest this week is Malcolm Taylor, Head of Capability at the UK Health Security Agency. In the last few years, Malcolm has led a highly effective initiative to use data to drive upskilling, talent development and talent acquisition. In our conversation, he shares valuable insights on skills strategy and some interesting perspectives on the likely role AI will play in L&D in the future.

In the interview, we discuss:

Why upskilling is so essential in 2024

The shortening life cycle of skills

Engagement and retention

Teaching people how to learn

Mapping skills within the organization

Can AI create a common skills language across professions?

Data-driven decision making

Community-based learning

The role of TA in skills-based organizations

The importance of removing silos in the people function.

What does the future look like?

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Ep 592: Understanding Skills

Ep 592: Understanding Skills
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