Life or Death

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It is believed that the power of the tongue to shape reality lies in its ability to influence thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors, and to create or destroy relationships and opportunities. This belief highlights the importance of using language responsibly and with mindfulness, as it can have both positive and negative consequences. 24:21 - “Ask, seek, and knock an it shall be given to you.” Come before God humbly and boldly when asking for help! Believe that God will help when you approaching him. 44:48 - “Don’t allow unfavorable circumstances change the way you speak about positively about it.” Maintain a positive attitude towards what you’re experiencing. Your situation could be God ordained that results in growth, testing of your faith, or getting closer to God. 59:31 - James 3:4-11. Don’t allow negative words you speak corrupt your whole body! We have the choice to speak life or death over our current circumstance. 1:00:37 - Philippians 4:8. Meditate on what’s pure, true and what will bring and sustain life. Takeaways - Don’t just watch your mouth, work your mouth! - Relinquish control of your life to our father in heaven. - Fight the good fight of faith! - Subtle conversations turn into death! Questions 1. Are you aware that God thinks great things about each day? 2. Do you speak negatively about your circumstances or situations before reciting God’s promises over it? Remain patient and give God an opportunity to fight on your behalf. 3. Do you talk to Satan about God? Don’t entertain the devil! Genesis 3:1-7 Speak Life Over Your - Marriage - Relationships - Finances - Mental Health Before You Speak, Ask Yourself 1. Who are you communicating with? 2. What are you communicating? 3. What are your motives for communicating? 4. What do you seek to gain by opening your mouth?

Life or Death

Life or Death
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