I am a priority

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Have you ever felt like you're not a priority in someone's life? Maybe it's a friend who always cancels plans at the last minute or a significant other who seems to prioritize work over spending time with you. It can be a frustrating and disheartening experience that leaves you feeling undervalued and unimportant. But on the flip side, knowing that you are a priority in someone's life can make all the difference in how you go about your day. When you feel truly seen and valued by someone, it can have a profound impact on your sense of self-worth and overall well-being. While many of us may have experienced times when people in our lives have forsaken us, there is One person that always makes us a priority - God. The knowledge that we are a priority in His eyes should bring a sense of peace and comfort to our daily lives.  7:18 - Make a decision today to follow God’s plan for your life. Walk in obedience and faith, believing that God’s word will come to pass. 14:19 - “Don't seek human approval for what God has told you to do and be.” 17:26 - Don’t allow anything to move you from the life God has given you. Beware of the deception of the enemy that seeks to destroy us. 51:46 - Psalm 139:14 states, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” How do you view yourself after reading that verse? 1:00:54 - To become a better version of yourself every day, put on the whole armor of God.   Takeaways: ⁃ Believe in God's confidence in you. His word does not return void to him. Isaiah 55:11 ⁃ “Accept God for who he is. Accept yourself for who you are.” ⁃ Believe in the version of you that God has created. You are uniquely and fearfully made.  

I am a priority

I am a priority
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