#110: Jordan White: Bringing out the best in introverts!

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Never underestimate the power of an introvert, especially one who is well versed in the styles of listening, ways of thinking, personality types and holding space for people. Meet our next guest, Jordan White, an avowed introvert, experienced leader and Self-Leadership coach, who specialises in helping people learn more about themselves objectively. He excels in bringing out the best in people, intuitively knowing that you learn more when you listen!
The key 'thinking assets' in this episode include;

 Pineapple on a pizza - what's your take? 1:41
Great Coaching Moment: Being present & doing the research 2:25
Coaching Moment that didn't go so well: Often more power than we know in just being there for someone 3:40
Sliding Doors: Overcoming injury 5:46
What makes a great coach? 8:35
Four different styles of learning: Analytical, Relational, Critical & Task Focused 10:30
What led you down that path? 13:35
Shift in self-acceptance: Myers Briggs & 'Quiet' by Susan Cain 15:00
Go to tip: bring out introverts 18:40
American Football: lessons learnt - teamwork, working towards a common goal 21:20
Leadership & Sports Coaching: You can actually turn a team around 24:40
Mentor in the corporate world 26:40
Self-leadership Coach: Most effective leaders, actually lead themselves well first. 28:14
Thinking Assets: Ways of thinking that are helpful 30:22
Why did you become a coach? - 'The Look and Sound of Leadership' Podcast 33:55

This episode of the Coaching Podcast is proudly supported by paperbell.com  
E: hello@jordanwhitecoaching.com
W: jordanwhitecoaching.com
Jordan White is an avowed introvert, experienced leader, and Self-Leadership coach. Driven by his passion for creating a world with less pain and suffering, he takes immense pride in providing compassionate and inspiring coaching services to current and aspiring leaders who tend to identify as inward, radically humble, cerebral, quiet, and introverted.
As a Self-Leadership coach, his goals include helping his clients maximize their scientifically-validated thinking assets while minimizing their thinking biases. He provides clients with the tools and a safe space to explore their unique path of least resistance to their success while simultaneously contributing to building a society of Valuegenic Leaders.
In addition to his primary role as a Self-Leadership coach, he has been recognized by those he has led and coached for his natural ability to build trust, provide compassionate stability, and inspire hope and growth. He displays an extraordinary commitment to supporting his clients in embracing their unique strengths and encourages them to BE MORE. As a wisdom-seeker and lifelong learner, he holds a Master's in Communication and Leadership and is trained by Coach U (ICF accredited) as an ACC level coach. He is also certified in Axiogenics®, MBTI®, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Jordan is a Denver, CO native, where he resides with his wife, Heather. They enjoy much of what Colorado offers, including camping, hiking, concerts at Red Rocks, and an occasional date night out. 
Core Mission: To bring awareness to the misconceptions of introversion and help introverts embrace their natural and authentic selves to lead a life and career of joyful integrity. Quiet leadership and competence may be less obvious but is no less influential.
Areas of Specialty: Personal Development, Leadership Development, Self-Leadership
Tools Used: MBTI, EQ Assessment, VQ Profile® Value-Judgement Assessment

#110: Jordan White: Bringing out the best in introverts!

#110: Jordan White: Bringing out the best in introverts!
Release Date
