#73: How to serve lentils to babies and toddlers

Release Date:

In this quick tip episode from my “How to serve…” series, I’m teaching you all about lentils! These are an amazing option for babies and toddlers - they’re versatile, so can be added to many, many recipes, they’re nutritious, and they’re an easy texture for babies just beginning solids. I know they may not be something that many people think of adding to their regular meal rotation, but I’m here to convince you to give them a try!
So, I’ll be giving you everything you need to know about serving lentils to your baby and toddler. Including why they’re so nutritious, how to prepare them, what phase of my signature Texture Timeline™ they're part of, and ideas on tasty ways to offer them to your baby. 
If you get value from this episode, please remember to subscribe, rate, and review it Apple Podcasts. And since this episode is giving out some really valuable tips on what to feed your baby who's just starting solids, please share it with your friends who also have babies at this stage!

Additional Resources:
If you love my “How to serve series…” you’re going to LOVE my Baby Led Feeding online course - I show you, with video, how to serve ALL types of foods safely to your baby, so you can start solids with absolute confidence, and enjoy this milestone moment with them!
BABY LED FEEDING COURSE: https://mylittleeater.com/baby-led-feeding/

Skip To…
Why you should include lentils in your baby’s diet (1:31)
Why lentils are Phase 2 of my Texture Timeline™ (7:13)
Ideas for how to serve lentils to 6 month olds, and up (9:40)

#73: How to serve lentils to babies and toddlers

#73: How to serve lentils to babies and toddlers
Release Date
