#43: The Best Bread for Baby Led Feeding

Release Date:

In this episode, I’m going very specific and sharing my top recommendations for choosing the best bread for your baby! Believe it or not, I actually get asked this question A LOT! Bread can contain a lot of sodium, and some even have harmful ingredients for babies, such as honey, so choosing the right type of bread can be tricky. Plus, have you been in the bakery aisle lately - there’s literally hundreds of choices!
I’m not only sharing my expert recommendations on what breads I prefer for babies (I’ll share specific brands I love), but I’m also talking about what to look for in the ingredients in case you can’t find exactly the ones I recommend. AND I’m going to share how to safely serve bread to your baby. Hint-hint: you cannot serve fresh bread to a 6 month old!

If you get value from this episode, please remember to subscribe, rate and review it at Apple Podcasts. And please share this episode with a friend who’s starting the solids journey with their baby!
Additional resources:
If you’re looking for my top recommendations on how to safely serve all types of foods to your baby, and for all the info on nutrition for your baby, introducing allergens, gagging vs. choking, and more - it’s time to enroll in my Baby Led Feeding online course! My newly revamped version has released, and you can upgrade the course to have access to a 30 day meal plan where I show you exactly what to serve your baby (with over 60 recipes) and the plan takes into account allergens, high iron sources, omega 3’s, and texture progression to ease you into this journey!  (https://mylittleeater.com/baby-led-feeding/)
ALL ABOUT BREAD: https://mylittleeater.com/all-about-bread-for-babies/
INTRODUCING ALLERGENS: https://mylittleeater.com/introducinghighlyallergenicfoods/
BEST FIRST FOODS FOR BABY: https://mylittleeater.com/11-my-top-8-foods-for-starting-solids/
HOW TO TOAST BREAD: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFUho6MFH-Z/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @mylittleeater

Skip to...
When can I introduce bread? (3:08)

Best types of bread for babies (4:00)

What ingredients to look for in bread (6:17)

My favourites! (10:13)

How to serve bread (12:28)

#43: The Best Bread for Baby Led Feeding

#43: The Best Bread for Baby Led Feeding
Release Date
