Fertility Stories: 18 Months of Trust & Surrender | Tam Oblowitz #120

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Ever wondered how fertility journeys intertwine with the power of trust and surrender? On this episode Dylan brings you an enriching conversation with his patient Tam Oblowitz. Tam's incredible journey towards fertility is sure to inspire, as she bares her heart out about the emotional rollercoaster she experienced during her long journey towards fertility before finding Ayurveda and how things shifted for her once that happened. Her experiences reveal the importance of shifting one's mindset and taking control of one's health.Tam's story is a testament to the transformative power of this ancient holistic science. Dylan and Tam also delve into the different treatments and herbs that helped support Tam in her fertility journey. This traditional approach, aimed at nourishing the womb and reproductive tissues, resonates deeply with Tam's ethos of holistic healing.In this engaging conversation, Dylan & Tam explore the concept of trusting your body and surrendering to the fertility journey. Tam shares her insights on how tuning into her body's responses and maintaining faith in the process has been vital in her journey to conceive her cheerful and  6-week-old baby. They also discuss how these principles can impact the processes of conception and birthing, adding a new dimension to our understanding of fertility. Tune in to our enlightening discussion to discover more about Ayurvedic practices, preconception stories, and the incredible power of trust and surrender.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:🧑‍🍼 Tam's Journey of Trust and Surrender​🧑‍🍼 The Role of Spirituality In Tam's Fertility Journey​🧑‍🍼 Ayurveda and Holistic Well-being Focused On Preconception & Fertility​🧑‍🍼 Divine Timing: Learning To Flow With Nature's Rythms​🧑‍🍼 Hope and Wisdom For Those Grappling With Fertility Issues​ABOUT OUR GUEST: Tam OblowitzTamarin holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology, and has trained at prestigious clinics in Beverly Hills, California.Through her travels, attending Balinese healing + yoga retreats, and life experiences, Tam has merged her Psychotherapy experience and background with her spiritual guidance, intuitive and energetic healing capabilities. And so, EmpowHER Healing was born. Tam now calls Sydney, Australia, home.Tam offers one-on-one sessions (in person and virtual) which which weave the wisdom of many modalities, merging the traditional psychotherapy model with a more holistic + spiritual guidance + healing. Her powerful sessions aim to cultivate the deep transformation driven by one’s readiness to discover their own potential for self-love, empowerment, expansion, and healing. Clients leave Tam’s sessions with their souls feeling aligned, empowered, expanded, and transformed.After struggling to conceive for 12 months, Tam approached Dylan seeking for guidance and support in her pre-conception journey. After 6 months of undergoing an Ayurvedic preconception protocol prescribed by Dylan and adhering to subtle lifestyle changes, Tam managed to successfully conceive a healthy and thriving baby. Support the show🌿 Follow us on Instagram (@vitalveda)🌿 Our Courses🌿 Our Treatments🌿 Our Online Shop🌿 Vital Veda Website

Fertility Stories: 18 Months of Trust & Surrender | Tam Oblowitz #120

Fertility Stories: 18 Months of Trust & Surrender | Tam Oblowitz #120
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