Racial tension, part 1: a summary of the genetics and theology of ‘race’

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There are massive racial tensions being expressed in the US and around the world today. While I cannot fix centuries of injustice and oppression in a 15-minute YouTube video, there are answers to the theological and scientific questions people are asking. Some of the answers have been around for a long time. Others can only be addressed with modern genetics, which tell us clearly that there is no such things as 'race'. Biblically, all humans are equal in the eyes of God. Therefore, all humans should be equal in the eyes of the law, in education, and in economic opportunity. But, people are still selfish, biased, and bigoted. What we need is a good dose of the Gospel, because none of us deserve Heaven.

Location: Rob's front porch, Hiram, Georgia.


The genetic history of the Israelite nation
Extensive mixing among Israelites and non-Israelites in biblical history
Racial mixing is perfectly biblical!
Inbreeding and the origin of races
Skin colour surprises
Could Adam and Eve have given rise to all the ‘races’?
A troubling thesis—Nicholas Wade pushes an old view of the origin of races (review of A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, by Nicholas Wade)
Racial reconciliation: where do we begin?
Was there a curse of Ham?
"Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all." Col 3:11
This message by Voddie Baucham is well worth listening to.
I discuss the 'Curse of Ham' in more depth in the episode Ancient History vs. the Table of Nations.

Intro Music by Xihcsr
Intro Graphics by MattWalkerVideo

Racial tension, part 1: a summary of the genetics and theology of ‘race’

Racial tension, part 1: a summary of the genetics and theology of ‘race’
Release Date
