Old fathers are genetic poison

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The idea that old men contribute more mutations to their children than young men is not controversial. The application of this thought to people who lived 'biblical' lifespans, however, is. Here, I discuss some new information on the subject and talk a little about the Creation Research Society and what it does to promote creationist research.



Creation Research Society
Kaplanis J. et al. 2022. Genetic and chemotherapeutic influences on germline hypermutation, Nature 605, 503–508.
100,000 Genomes Project
Deciphering Developmental Disorders Project
Carter RW. 2019. Patriarchal drive in the early post-Flood population, J Creation 33(1):110–118.
Genetic Entropy: Sanford J, Critic ignores reality of genetic entropy, Creation.com, 7 March 2013.
Carter R, Genetic entropy and simple organisms, Creation.com, 25 Oct 2012.
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Old fathers are genetic poison

Old fathers are genetic poison
Release Date
